Tech on the Horizon: The “Illumiroom” and Oculus Rift

Pong introduced many people to wonders of video game technology while they were sitting in their living room.  It may be time to introduce the rest of your living room to the latest in video game technology.


(Image Courtesy of:

In decades past, video games were limited by the technical aspects and enhanced by the player’s imagination.  The basic Pong set up was nothing more than two paddles, a console, two lines, and a bouncing dot.  This simple game could double as anything from tennis to ping pong, volleyball, hockey and more depending on the player’s mind.  The gap between technology and imagination is getting smaller and smaller with each passing day.  The newest display of ‘futuristic’ technology is upon us.  It goes by the “Illumiroom” and words cannot do it justice.  It must be seen in action.

Video via Microsoft Research

At this stage of development, Microsoft’s “Illumiroom” is just a concept.  It is something that they are working towards making a reality at some point in the next generation of gaming.   The television will become the launching point for a totally immersive gaming experience.  The system would look to make use of a high fidelity camera system that would optimize the display to the room in which the player is sitting.  In the demo reel alone, gameplay can be seen escaping the edges of the television and providing the gamer with a larger game world.  Little touches like snowflakes during a racing game through snow-capped trails help to enhance the ambiance and mood of the game.

For those who find the confines of a room to still be too limiting, there is an exciting product on the horizon.  The Oculus Rift, whose beginnings can be traced to the crowd sourcing website ‘Kickstarter’, aims to blur the line between game and reality.  It shares many similar design features with the ill-fated Virtual Boy from Nintendo.  The Virtual Boy hoped to provide a game changing experience with a 3-D headset, but it was undone by the limited technology of the time.  It featured a monochrome red and black color scheme and a headache inducing 3-D effect.  The folks behind the Oculus Rift feel the time is right to introduce another gaming headset to the masses.  The speed with which they reached their Kickstarter goal may indicate that they are right.

Video via Business Insiders

As you can see, tech demos for the Oculus Rift have progressed a great deal from the Virtual Boy’s modest effort.  The reactions to the device are varied and intense.  It showcases that the device might not be for everyone (One person did complain of naseau, but when replicating a roller coaster, that may actually be a positive review), but it does seem to totally envelop the person in the game.  The headset uses two displays, one optimized for each eye, to create a realistic world presented in 3-D in a full 360 degree view.  The people in the demo reel from Business Insiders react as though they are actually riding a roller coaster and experiencing the ups and downs from the safety of a conference room. The device is certainly on the cutting edge of technology and it is refreshing to see it gain support from numerous developers.  Epic Games, the studio behind the ‘Gears of War’ series, and Irrational Games, the publisher of Bioshock Infinite, have already expressed interest in incorporating the device into their future projects.  These studios have excelled at creating living, breathing worlds that transport the gamer into the middle of the action.  With a device like Oculus Rift, it is exciting to think that they may have only begun to scratch the surface.

There is no word yet if Pong will be available on either device, but you can find the app on your smartphone or tablet, if you are feeling nostalgic.


Filed under Tech Previews

3 responses to “Tech on the Horizon: The “Illumiroom” and Oculus Rift

  1. I really like how you put videos into your blog. It is another way to show what you are talking about. Unfortunately, it told me that both videos were unavailable when I tried to watch them. It probably has something to do with my slow Internet connection, but you might want to check your end just incase.

  2. Hi John,
    Your blog postings are coming together great. You have a great way of speaking in your posts that is understandable, but also very professional and well written. Each blog is unique and interesting which will draw in readers. I really like how you are incorporating other widgets and elements to the posts as well. Videos are a great idea for this blog considering the subject and content. I also really liked the post in which you included a poll. I noticed you included tags on this post. Great idea! The length of this post was perfect (in my opinion) because it conveyed a good amount of information but it did not feel overwhelming.

    It feels to me that you really have a strong vision for your blog and its coming to fruition. I continue to like the structure and layout of the blog because it feels appropriate to the content. Your blog postings and titles are unique and will certainly attract readers. Great second post!

  3. You have created another informative (and entertaining) blog post. There is a lot of strength in how you cater towards your target audience, but not to the point where your blog risks isolating a casual reader. Both posts are very substantial, and for this post I think inserting the videos provided two big benefits: 1) backing up the content, and 2) breaking up the text. I think you might want to consider a post recap at the end (or a preview at the beginning). I think the Illumiroom looks amazing, but I have to admit that I am most looking forward to seeing the pet reactions. My dogs will chase a laser pointer for hours, so I can’t wait to see what they do with those snowflakes!

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